About Amateur
Radio Station Operator kb8vsr
Written By: Shane Worth
Thank you for visiting
the kb8vsr web site. I have been an amateur radio operator since
November of 1994. I started as a tech-plus operator using mostly
vhf-uhf operating frequencies. In 1996 I decided my license
priviledges needed upgraded and passed my 5wpm Morse code
examination. I was so excited in learning the code in a few months
returned to take my 13wpm Morse code examination in spring of 1997.
I was into packet
operation on the vhf-uhf bands and have communicated via the ham
radio tcp-ip Internet network. This is a way that you can
communicate world wide with a small vhf transciever. Our local
Internet system was operated by amateur operator n8ydt. He used a
uhf backbone on the 220mhz ham radio band and his bbs frequency was
145.65mhz. When you logged into this bbs frequency you could connect
to other servers throughout the network of amateur radio operators
that also ran tcp-ip radio operated servers. With this vast amount
of computers connected via radio links people are enabled to
communicate with stations throughout the whole world. This is how
amateur radio Internet works.
I then decided i'd
enter another fastinating faset of amateur radio. Slow Scan
Television, a way of sending pictures usually .bmp or .jpg picture
files over a world wide hf ham radio tranceiver. The main
frequencies used for SSTV are 14.230mhz and 14.233mhz. The mode of
operation is USB (Upper Side Band).